Showing posts with label cpp. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cpp. Show all posts

Sunday, 14 June 2020

C++ Encapsulation - Creating Class with Setters and Getters Functions

Here, we will learn how to create a class with setter and getter methods in C++ programming language.

In the below C++ program, we have created a class with setter and getter methods.

You can do download source code from here: sourcecode

Thursday, 11 June 2020

C++ Program to find Factorial using Class and Object Concept

In this Program, we will create a class Factorial that will compute the factorial of the given positive number using class and object concept in c++ language. 

Sunday, 3 May 2020

Difference Between Structure and Class in C++

Both Structure and Class are user-defined data types and they can be further used to create instances.

A structure is a collection of variables of different data types. It creates a data type that can be used to grouped different items under a single unit. It is almost similar to a class but they have many differences.

A class is a user-defined blueprint from which objects are created. A class in C++ is the building block, that leads to Object-Oriented programming. It holds its own data members and member functions, which can be accessed and used by creating an instance, called object, of that class.   Basically, a class combines the fields and methods(member function which defines actions) into a single unit.

Differences between Structure and Class in C++
The Mian differences between class and structure are discussed below.

  • A structure is a value type and its object is created on the stack memory.
  • A structure does not support inheritance.
  • A structure can only have the parameterized constructor. It has not non-parametrized constructor, default constructor, and destructor also.
  • In structure, data members are by default public.
  • A structure does not support data hiding like class.
  • A structure only contains data members.
  • The member variable of structure can not be initialized directly.
  • .An object of a structure is created in stack memory.
  • A structure's object can be created without using a `new` keyword.


  • A class is of a reference type and its object is created on heap memory.
  • A class support inheritance and one class can inherit another class.
  • A class can have all types of constructor and destructor, parameterized, and non-parameterized.
  • A class has all data members private by default.
  • A class support data hiding which is accomplished by providing three access specifiers that are “public”, “private”, “protected”.
  • A class contains data members and member functions too.
  • A class member variable can be initialized directly.
  • An object of a class is created in heap memory.
  • An object of a class can't be created without using a `new` keyword.